Watching this 8-year-old girl play Led Zeppelin on drums will make your day
Japanese drummer Yoyoka entered the "Hit Like a Girl" contest and instantly went viral
Japanese drummer Yoyoka entered the "Hit Like a Girl" contest and instantly went viral

Eight-year-old Japanese drummer Yoyoka first began drumming on toys when she was two; by the time she was four, she started performing, and by five, she had formed a band, Kaneaiyoyoka, with her musically-minded parents.
But now Yoyoka has hit the world stage, thanks to her jaw-dropping cover of Led Zeppelin's Good Times Bad Times for Hit Like a Girl, an international drumming contest for female percussionists.
"My favorite drummers are John Bonham, Chris Coleman and Benny Greb," she writes on her Vimeo page. "My dream is to be the best drummer in the world."
She is clearly on the right track. Check it out: