Super Bowl champion Joe Namath on Chekhov, musical theatre and never giving up

In the '60s and '70s, Joe Namath was the quarterback of the New York Jets, but he also redefined what a celebrity athlete could accomplish. In 1969, three days before the Super Bowl, Namath made a public guarantee that the Jets would win — and they did.
His ability to bring drama and performance into sport may have contributed to his career shift as an actor. He was offered the lead role in Cheers and he did an off-Broadway Chekhov play to critical acclaim.
Namath has just released an autobiography that's filled with stories of his time on the field and in front of the camera. It's called All the Way: My Life in Four Quarters and it's out now. He joined q's Tom Power to tell us more.
— Produced by Ben Jamieson
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