Watch Jeremy Dutcher's mindblowing performance of Pomok naka Poktoinskwes
Originally published April 9, 2018
Last week on the show you may have heard Jeremy Dutcher perform some incredible new music off his debut album, Wolastoqiyik Lintuwakonawa. The classically trained singer-songwriter reimagines 100-year-old wax cylinder recordings, created by his Wolastoq ancestors, and preserves the Wolastoqey language through his own music. Generations of Indigenous people once spoke the Wolastoqey language in what's now known as New Brunswick, but today, less than 100 speakers remain.
When Dutcher performed his music on q last week, the response from our listeners was massive. One woman wrote in saying she was late for her dentist appointment because she just had to stay in her car to listen to the whole thing. Dutcher performed another song, live in the q studio, that we didn't have a chance to play before. Watch Dutcher perform Pomok naka Poktoinskwes in the video above.
— Produced by Tyrone Callender