Nadia Manzoor's 'Burq Off!' explores the spectrum between burqa and bikini

British-Pakistani comedian Nadia Manzoor reflects on growing up between two contrasting cultures and challenging the strongly-held beliefs of her parents.
British-Pakistani actress Nadia Manzoor plays 21 different characters in her one-woman show about growing up between two cultures. (Adam Reichardt/NadiaPManzoor.com)

"Who will feed your husband if you're floating about in space?"  

When Nadia Manzoor said she wanted to become an astronaut, that was her family's deadpan reply. The British-Pakistani comedian has packed such vignettes into Burq Off!, her ​one-woman play about growing up between contrasting cultures. 

Today she joins guest host Talia Schlanger to discuss the personal experiences that inspired her show, her complex relationship with her traditional Muslim parents, and the spectrum of self-presentation between the bikini and the burqa. 

*Click on the listen button above to hear the full segment (audio runs 15:54)