q sports panel on protests, doping and athletes throwing shade

q's sports culture panel thinks beyond the play-by-play to weigh in on the societal impact of sports stories. Not a fan? Not a problem. Our panel watches much more than the scoreboard.
Today guest host Jelena Adzic checks in with sports journalists Morgan Campbell, Dave Zirin, and CBC's Sonali Karnick. Both Zirin and Karnick are currently reporting from Brazil.
Top story lines and show-stealers. Toronto's own Penny Oleksiak is the Canadian breakout star with four medals including a gold last night. Michael Phelps continues his historic career and is now the proud owner of his own meme: #PhelpsFace.
All eyes on the athletes. For the most part, the athletes have owned the spotlight. So where are we at with those pre-Olympic concerns? (The corruption, the protests, the Zika virus.)
Olympians with attitude. There's been lots of finger-pointing about doping and drug cheating at the games. How are the allegations affecting Olympic culture on the ground?