Master of None's Lena Waithe on how not to play a lesbian on TV

Lena Waithe is getting rave reviews for her portrayal of Denise, best friend to Aziz Ansari's character Dev in Master of None.
Denise is cool, funny, and definitely a fan favourite. She also happens to be a black lesbian — but that's not the point. She's a character, not a caricature.
Waithe joins Shad to discuss the importance of queer characters who aren't just coming out, or coming of age; and why she thinks casting directors should cast a wider net when looking for new talent.
The writer and actress also explains how she differs from the character largely inspired by her real traits. For one: "There's a gay, white, Jewish man trapped inside my body."
WEB EXTRA | Watch a short clip from Master of None, featuring Waithe as Denise. The actress is also known for behind-the-scenes work in film and television.