Bryce Dallas Howard on the triumphant return of Pete's Dragon

Bryce Dallas Howard grew up "obsessed" with the 1977 Disney classic Pete's Dragon, watching it so often she "wore the VHS into the ground."
Now the actress is helping bring the orphan boy and his big green friend back for a new generation.
Disney's new, live-action spin on Pete's Dragon still features a little boy named Pete and a dragon named Elliott — but this time there's less singing, and the stakes are a lot higher.
Howard plays a park ranger trying to protect the forest from clear cutting and other environmental threats. But a chance encounter with the lost little boy adds urgency to her mission.
Today Howard joins guest host Rachel Giese to share how the original film has been reworked for the modern day, and why the composition of the film — "50 per cent entertainment and 50 per cent therapy" — is still very classic.
"This is really a story about what it takes to find your family," says Howard, adding that there's a larger journey that takes place around the title character. The lessons learned on set mirror those she learned within her own family, including her director dad Ron Howard.
"I would say the takeaway is: be a good egg."

WEB EXTRA | Do you remember the first, animated Elliott? Watch the original trailer as well as a clip featuring the first Pete and his dog-like dragon.