Socalled jams with As It Happens hosts in studio q
Klezmer-loving rapper Josh Dolgin, better known as Socalled, takes time out from Jazzfest to thrill us as a rule-breaking Friday Live guest.

Josh Dolgin, better known as Socalled, takes time out from Jazzfest to perform live throughout the show. The Klezmer-loving rapper also sits down with Friday guest host Talia Schlanger to discuss his wide-ranging talents and wild collaborations with the likes of funky Fred Wesley.
WEB EXTRAS | We've got two very special treats for you today:
(1) Socalled performs his lively remix of the As It Happens theme song (Curried Soul 2.0) with the help of two special guests — Carol Off and Jeff Douglas — and more cowbell! (See window above.)
(2) Plus, Socalled's talented pet, Poopsie the singing Shih Tzu, is in the building. You know what that means ...