Alan Cumming offers (spoiler free) thoughts on Good Wife finale

Alicia Florrick's case permanently comes to a close on May 8, as the seventh and final season of The Good Wife reaches its final episode.
The finality is just starting to sink in for Alan Cumming, who plays political strategist Eli Gold. While watching his TV daughter Sarah Steele (Marissa Gold) speak in one of the show's final episodes, something dawned on him.
"Oh, that's her last line she'll ever say in the series," he tells Shad during his interview for a more recent project, Alan Cumming Sings Sappy Songs.
Although the Cabaret star wasn't planning to continue to season eight, he says witnessing the end is still an "explosive" experience. The first time he suited up to play the shrewd character, the actor admits he didn't think the role would endure.
"Everyone thought [the casting directors] were nuts," says Cumming, a theatre actor who says he's played more fantasy characters that average humans.
Still, Cumming says filling out a character over the course of years has changed him as an actor.
"Suddenly, I embraced my middle aged man."