q sports panel: What does the Erin Andrews case say about sexism in sports broadcasting?

The Toronto Star's Morgan Campbell, CBC host and reporter Sonali Karnick and The Nation's Dave Zirin reconvene the q sports panel this week to talk about the biggest and strangest stories in sports.
Today's discussions:
Defence lawyers this week continued to try to poke holes into the claim by sportscaster Erin Andrews that two hotel companies should share the blame for a stalker taking nude videos of the TV host and posting them on the Internet.
Andrews also said her network, ESPN, made her go on national television and talk about the video before she was allowed back to her job. Does the case reveal a particularly low ceiling for women in sports broadcasting?
Next, he's been called "unreal" and "not human" by his fellow NBA players. And the makers of the new NBA 2K16 video game say he's so good, the parameters of the game design can't properly represent how good he is in real life. Just how good is Steph Curry? Is he changing the game, or just playing it better than everyone else?
Finally, the Los Angeles Clippers recently unveiled their new mascot, Chuck the Condor. Not since the Gobbledy Gooker has an audience so quickly turned on a person dressed in a bizarre bird costume. With Chuck's unfavourable reception in mind, who are the worst sports mascots in history?