Friday Live: Tokyo Police Club activates Forcefield in Studio Q

Indie-rock band Tokyo Police Club visits Studio Q as the Friday Live guest. The Newmarket, Ontario band joins Jian to offer a taste of their highly anticipated third album Forcefield, slated to be released later this month.
Since their debut album in 2008, the band has gained in popularity and critical acclaim, catapulting them into the Canadian indie-music spotlight.
Now, four years since their last studio album, the band brings Forcefield to Studio Q. Front man David Monks and keyboard player Graham Wright also sit down with Jian to discuss the band's new album, their creative process and how their sound has evolved from their early days.
"It just gets easier to be yourself as you get older," Monks explains. "I feel like between Champ and this record, we kind of realized the spot we were in and the opportunity we had.
"The objective was just to take it somewhere new."