Cultural Hall of Shame: Elvira Kurt shames the "mistletoe drone"

Q's Cultural Hall of Shame curator Elvira Kurt is disgusted that family restaurant chain TGI Friday's will be flying "mistletoe drones" through some of their U.K. restaurants this holiday season, using the new technology to encourage their patrons to kiss.
Her concern about the implications of such a device dovetailed into an impassioned speech about an all-too-real cultural shame.
"I don't want anyone in Canada to think for one minute that just because I come on here and induct trivial things into an imaginary hall of shame that I for one second ever forget the bigger shame that we are all mired in right now. And that is the issue of consent ... I want to make it clear to anyone listening that my own personal tolerance level is zero. And I expect everyone to live up to that standard."
Click on the listen button above to hear Elvira's latest column (audio runs 5:18).