Lydia Ainsworth brings Right From Real to Studio Q
Symphonic pop singer/songwriter Lydia Ainsworth performs live throughout the show.

Symphonic pop singer/songwriter Lydia Ainsworth drops by Studio Q to perform from her record Right From Real. The album unfolds almost like a dream with varied, lush soundscapes and textures filled with stringed instruments, quirky electronic samples and even samples of her own voice.
The Toronto-based musician also joins guest host Gill Deacon to discuss her classical roots, her penchant for genre-blending and her broad range of influences -- from baroque artist Guido Cagnacci to the Spice Girls.
Click here or on the listen button above to hear the full segment (audio runs 0:27:02), which includes three songs performed live in Studio Q.

Lydia Ainsworth may be a new voice to many of you, but we sure think she's one to watch. (Fabiola Carletti/CBC)