Douglas Coupland: "I'm starting to forget what it felt like to be pre-internet"

Vancouver artist Douglas Coupland has been holding a fun-house mirror up to society for decades -- but a major survey of his work has only recently been mounted. The sprawling exhibit, Everywhere is Anywhere is Anything is Everything, opened this past weekend in galleries at Toronto's Royal Ontario Museum and the Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art.
The colourful collection -- featuring everything from painting and posters to plastic lids -- explores, in the words of one reviewer, "the 21st-century condition, Canadian cultural identity, the power of language and the pervasive presence of technology in modern life".
Today Coupland joins guest host Daniel Richler to discuss his fading "pre-internet" brain, the acceleration of our accelerating world, and why -- despite the non-stop parade of terrifying headlines -- we may be living in a golden age.
See some highlights from the exhibit below.