Remembering Muhammad Ali
Morgan Campbell and Dave Zirin reflect on the life and legacy of Muhammad Ali and the loss of one of the world's greatest.

Last Friday, June 3, Muhammad Ali passed away at the age of 74. Known as "The Greatest" as well as the "Louisville lip" and "the people's champion," Ali joins the list of legends lost in 2016.
Toronto Star sports and business reporter Morgan Campbell and sports editor at The Nation and host of the Edge of Sports podcast Dave Zirin join Gill to reflect on the boxer's life and legacy.
While Campbell and Zirin remember Ali for different reasons, both touch on the impact he had even beyond boxing, into issues of politics, race and identity.
"Any time anyone ever stands up under difficult odds or conditions, they can say in their mind that they stand in the legacy of the champ — and that's something they can never take away," says Zirin.