David Lagercrantz on resurrecting the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

The books in Stieg Larsson's Millennium series have sold over 80 million copies and gripped readers across the globe. So why are some people upset about a new addition to the series?
Well, Larsson isn't the man behind the pen this time — he passed away in 2004 before the books were ever published. Fellow Swedish writer David Lagercrantz was recruited for the new novel The Girl in the Spider's Web, which came out this past September.
Lagercrantz is deeply passionate about the opportunity to explore the world of Lisbeth Salander further, and many fans share his enthusiasm. But there's also been vocal opposition to the book — including from Larsson's partner.
Shad talks with Lagercrantz about his love for Larsson's work, the intense pressure he felt in continuing the series, and how he feels about the controversy his novel has generated.
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*This interview originally aired in August, 2015