Can this unwinnable game create empathy for targets of racism?
"andmaybetheywontkillyou" is a role-playing game in which participants navigate a heavily-policed area as poor, black Americans.

Can you survive a trip to the corner store? Your odds are uncertain in andmaybetheywontkillyou — a role-playing game in which participants navigate a heavily-policed area as poor, black Americans.
The path to the store is peppered with hostile encounters, from locking car doors to random police checks. Each time, participants must choose whether to be silent and absorb the frustration, or speak up and risk increased aggression.
On the anniversary of Michael Brown's death in Ferguson, the game's creator Akira Thompson joins guest host Candy Palmater to explain how interactive experiences can be powerful social commentary. He also explains why, by design, there's no real way to win this game.