Shad: Why we fight for things we loved as kids

Shad winds down the week with a reflection on the lasting love adults feel for their childhood passions. The transporting power of your first album, for instance ... which you'll probably defend, even now.
For Josh Groban, it was musical theatre. For q producer Mitch Pollock, it was Jurassic Park. For pop culture panelist Rachel Giese, it was Degrassi — a show since re-imagined for a younger generation that includes her son.
"I think Carl Wilson got it right this week when he said that you never feel things quite the way you do in those teen and pre-teen years. When you're feeling certain things for the first time," says Shad.
WEB EXTRA | We asked you to send in photo evidence of your childhood obsession for a chance to win a q tote bag. Shark lover and former creepy kid Ava Muir is our winner! Big thanks to every one — from the Elmo lover to the Ninja Turtle fanatic — who entered.