Jon Ronson on how public shaming took over the internet

Jon Ronson once saw public ridicule as "the democratization of justice" — but after writing a book on the topic, he's changed his tune. In So You've Been Publicly Shamed, the writer takes a closer look at people who have had their reputations destroyed on social media, and how difficult it can be for them to recover.
Today Ronson joins Shad to argue that shaming has become ubiquitous and too often disproportionate, and that fear of being attacked has made us a more conservative, self-censoring society.

WEB EXTRAS | Watch the video that first sparked Ronson's interest in this topic: his confrontation with the creators of a spambot meant to mock him.
Plus, here's the TED talk by former White House intern Monica Lewinsky that Ronson references in the interview.