Danny McBride's Vice Principals reveals teacher's lounge drama
Danny McBride may be a bigger softy than his character on HBO's Vice Principals, but you wouldn't know it by that scowl and sweater vest.

There can only be one.
But — when both you and your archenemy are rejected, why not team up and plot your revenge?
That's the premise of Vice Principals, a dark new HBO comedy starring on-camera curmudgeon extraordinaire Danny McBride and real life friend and collaborator Jody Hill.
The show follows two idiotic high school administrators vying for the job of school principal. When they both lose out to Dr. Belinda Brown (Kimberly Hebert Gregory), the rivals team up to take down their far more competent colleague.
Today McBride joins guest host Rachel Giese to discuss TV's embrace of unlikable lead characters, and how their petty frustrations accidentally synch up with larger tensions playing out in the U.S. right now.
McBride co-wrote the show with Hill, who also collaborated with him on the cult comedy series Eastbound and Down.