Baroness von Sketch Show is Kids in the Hall for the modern woman

The Baroness von Sketch Show is already making history.
The new sketch show from the CBC marks the first time an all-female cast has a show of its kind on Canadian television.
Cast members Meredith MacNeil and Carolyn Taylor, who is also the showrunner, say this show isn't just groundbreaking on-screen, but off-screen too — most of the key creative roles are also women.
As for what you can look forward to from these baronesses? Absurd and awkward moments, delight in petty concerns and cringe-worthy yet relatable plotlines. The Baroness von Sketch Show doesn't draw from the news or popular culture, but satirizes everyday life.
Oh, and did we mention top marks when it comes to the Bechdel Test?

"It was exciting to have characters who aren't just talking about problems with men," Taylor says, "[it's] women talking to women about whatever — strange office politics, whatever is going on with their lives."
"And I think we passed with every sketch," MacNeil adds.
WEB EXTRA | Watch a couple of sketches from the Baroness von Sketch Show and catch its premiere tonight on CBC.