The world's first underwater band

What does it sound like to sing and play music underwater?
The Danish band Between Music brought music below water with their performance AquaSonic, and the result is a beautiful and otherworldly sound. The stage for their underwater performance is comprised of five large tanks in a semi-circle, each with a musician and their custom-made instrument.

Between Music violinist Robert Karlsson says AquaSonic is the result of over a decade of experimenting with music and water. At first, the band played with singing on the surface of water, as can be seen in the video below.
The next step was to fully submerge themselves with equipment wrapped in plastic. From there, AquaSonic developed into an intricate performance of specialized underwater instruments, and a vocal technique that involves singing through air bubbles and on both the inhale and exhale.
"It's a very visually beautiful show," Karlsson tells Shad, "but seeing humans in water, it can also be terrifying. So I think this duality makes it something special."
WEB EXTRA | Watch a preview of Between Music's stunning performance of AquaSonic and experience for yourself the eerie yet striking visual of an underwater concert.