HBO's 'Looking' seeks to complicate gay characters

Guest host Piya Chattopadhyay speaks with Michael Lannan -- co-creator, co-writer and executive producer of Looking, HBO's new show about three gay friends in San Francisco.
The series, which has just been renewed for a second season, has been praised for featuring gay characters who are not campy and outgoing -- but has also been accused of sanitizing gay life.
Lannan explains what he make of the wide-ranging reactions to the show, why no one series can represent the diversity within the gay community and why this show matters in 2014.
"Our responsibility first is to the characters and their world," says Lannan, later adding the show's boundary-pushing scenes were crafted deliberately.
"This is a gay show. We're going to go places you haven't been before. You're in or your out."
Get a glimpse at Looking below.