Q Essay: How should we assign value to art?
For today's Q Essay, Jian reflects on how we assign value to art.

On Monday, Scottish artist Peter Doig's painting, Country-Rock (wing-mirror), sold for 15.5 million dollars at a Sotheby's London auction.
The rainbow mural that inspired the painting -- which can be found in an underpass on Toronto's Don Valley -- was created by guerilla artist BC Johnson back in 1972. Johnson's rainbow, which was erased by the city and re-painted by the artist several times, is one of the most high-profile pieces of street art in Toronto's history.
With Doig having made millions on his painting, and Johnson having made squat, Jian reflects on how we assign value to art.
"BC Johnson's rainbow mural reminds us that most artists toil away in relative obscurity, for free or for very little money," Jian says.
"But sometimes, your work becomes a part of the landscape, becomes accepted and loved... and can influence others to go on to create other work."
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