Vine stardom: the future of new media celebrity

In the age of virality, can internet success stories translate to Hollywood fame?
Vine star Logan Paul is certainly hoping so. The 20-year-old Ohio native, who boasts an impressive 8.3 million followers on the video site, dropped out of university last year to move to Los Angeles in pursuit of his Hollywood dreams.
But there's a world of difference between snappy 6-second clips and the silver screen — and jumping that gap isn't as easy as the heavily-edited backflips that often appear in Paul's videos.
Writer Caroline Moss recently travelled to LA to profile Paul for Tech Insider and dig more deeply into the unique online world he calls home. They both join guest host Candy Palmater to talk about his journey so far and what his success says about the future of new media stardom.
WEB EXTRA | Sample a few of Logan Paul's Vine antics below.