Can you put a price on love? Playwright Haley McGee finds out for herself
In Haley McGee's latest show The Ex-Boyfriend Yard Sale, the actor and playwright revisits all of the gifts she's received from ex-boyfriends and reassesses their worth.

When you go through a breakup, what do you do with all the gifts your ex has given you over the years? Haley McGee is an actor and playwright who decided to turn her mementos into art.
McGee's latest show is called The Ex-Boyfriend Yard Sale and it's playing now in Toronto. In the show, she revisits all of the gifts she's received from boyfriends past and reassesses their worth, post-breakup.
Today, she joins Tom Power live in the q studio to explain a bit more about this appraisal: the cost of love and what it costs us.
The Ex-Boyfriend Yard Sale is on now until Saturday as a part of the Progress International Festival of Performance and Ideas.
— Produced by Vanessa Nigro