Tuesday, June 2, 2020: q This music panel, Kerry Washington and more

Today on q, with host Tom Power:
In this special edition of the q This music panel, freelance music journalist A. Harmony and CBC arts reporter Lisa Christiansen talk about Blackout Tuesday and #TheShowMustBePaused — a call for the music industry to stop everyday operations on June 2 in protest of systemic racism and police brutality.
Musicologist Dr. Tammy L. Kernodle helps us explore the history and importance of the protest song Strange Fruit, first recorded by Billie Holiday in 1939 and written by Abel Meeropol.
Band Ladies co-creator Kate Fenton tells us more about the comedy series, which follows five women who go from a mediocre book club to an enraged punk band.
Visual artist Adrian Stimson discusses how the recent decision by the Alberta Foundation for the Arts to defer grants could damage Alberta's arts and culture landscape.
Actress Kerry Washington opens up about facing unconscious bias head-on in her film American Son, which is about an estranged interracial couple whose son has been involved in an incident with the police.
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