Jason Moran on his need to push boundaries in his music and art

Moran has blended jazz with stand-up comedy, live painters, dance shows and even skateboarding.
Musician Jason Moran performs Jazz piano solo during the groundbreaking ceremony of the National Museum of African American History and Culture. (Alex Wong/Getty Images)

Jason Moran is the artistic director for jazz at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C., and for decades he's worked on projects that push the boundaries of music. He's blended jazz with stand-up comedy, live painters, dance shows and even skateboarding. 

He's also created music based on a Chinese stock market report and on a telephone conversation in Turkish, but his work extends beyond music. Moran also makes visual art, including everything from creating lost venues from music history to images made from smearing charcoal-covered hands across piano rolls.

Today, Moran joins q host Tom Power live from New York about his need to push boundaries in his music and art. An exhibition of Moran's art is currently touring the U.S., and a new book of his work comes out today.

Produced by ​Ben Edwards

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