Novelist Erwan Larher remembers surviving Paris Bataclan attack in new memoir
Three years ago, terrorist attacks in Paris left 130 people dead, 90 of which were killed at the Bataclan theatre. Erwan Larher was there on that terrible night, and he's released what he describes as a "non-fiction novel" based on his experiences.

In November 2015, terrorist attacks in Paris left 130 people dead, 90 of which were killed at a rock concert in a historic venue called the Bataclan. French novelist Erwan Larher was there on that terrible night, and he's released what he describes as a "non-fiction novel" based on his experiences. It's called The Book I Didn't Want to Write and the English translation is out now. Larher sat down with Tom Power to talk about exactly why this was the one story he didn't want to tell.
— Produced by Chris Trowbridge
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