Gary Busey wants to share his basic instructions before leaving Earth

Have you ever thought about how you'd tell your life story? If you were to write down all the big events in your life, all the victories and defeats, the happiness, the sadness, what would that story feel like?
Gary Busey has just written his story down, and the way he chose to tell that story says a lot about the kind of man he is. Buseyisms: Gary Busey's Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth is the name of the book, and in it, he takes all of the things that he's done and the things that have happened to him — the Hollywood career, the drug addiction, the bike crash that very nearly killed him — and he looks at what lessons he's taken from those experiences. He also writes about what you might be able to learn from reading them.
Busey joined us from a studio in L.A. to tell Tom Power more about it, including just what is a Buseyism.
— Produced by Frank Palmer
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