A manifesto to fight scientific one hit wonders

There's a famous quote by Sir Isaac Newton that goes, "If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." This notion is about how science works. It builds upon previous research.
But lately, some scientists have been sounding the alarm that the giants whose shoulders scientists stand upon, could actually be made of quick sand. They say there's a reproducibility crisis — that scientists haven't been able to replicate the results from many seminal studies. One analysis estimates that as much as 85 percent of biomedical research effort is wasted.

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So an international team of experts published a manifesto on how to counter this problem, seniored by Dr. John Ioannidis, a is a professor of medicine, health research, policy, and statistics at Stanford University in California. The manifesto was published in a recent issue of the journal Nature Human Behaviour.
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