Quirks and Quarks

Water 4.0

From toilet to tap, our water systems, developed over centuries, are under increasing threat and a new system may be required....

From toilet to tap, our water systems, developed over centuries, are under increasing threat and a new system may be required.

Smart phones, jet planes and electric cars are all very well, but modern life wouldn't be worth living - it fact, probably wouldn't be possible - without the infrastructure that provides urban dwellers with clean water, and removes that water when it's dirty. We depend on the toilet and the tap.

In his new book, Water 4.0, The Past, Present and Future of the World's Most Vital Resource, Dr. David Sedlak, professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley and co-director of the Berkley Water Center, explores the past, present and future of the essential plumbing of modern life. He traces the history of water supply and sewers from the aqueducts of ancient Rome to modern toilet-to-tap systems. He also looks to the future, where increased population and demand, and dwindling supplies, will make water-as-usual a huge challenge.

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