Self Driving Cars
Listener Prediction Special (Encore): Linda Dow of Sudbury imagined a future in which the tedious chore of driving had been eliminated completely by the development of self-driving cars.
Self Driving Cars

Listener Linda Dow of Sudbury imagined a future in which the tedious chore of driving had been eliminated completely by the development of self-driving cars. And Wes Pliska of Regina anticipated that, eventually, people wouldn't even be allowed to drive on public roads - leaving the driving to the cars. Well, according to Dr. Steven Waslander, director of the Waterloo Autonomous Vehicles Laboratory in the Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering at the University of Waterloo, they're both on the right track. Dr. Waslander points to current projects that have proven the technology of autonomous vehicles, and he anticipates a shift to more and more automation in our vehicles in the next decade. He thinks it won't be long before he leaves the driving on his long daily commute to his car.
Related Links:
Dr. Steven Waslander
Ted Talk by Sebastian Thrun - one of Google's driverless car designers
Wired articles on self-driving cars