Morningside Sings Broadway!

Two days after the vote, host Peter Gzowski was ready for a break from politics. He gathered a group of Canadian musicians to perform classic Broadway show tunes on Morningside. If you feel that you need a break from today's headlines, Rewind presents this stellar hour of music from the Morningside archives.

Peter and his producers put together a true cross-country chorus. Joining Peter in the Toronto studio were Molly Johnson, Michael Burgess, and composer of the Mornginside theme, pianist David Thompson. Cindy Church was set up in a CBC Calgary studio, Bill Quinn joined in from Winnipeg, and Connie Kaldor was in Montreal. Across time zones and through the wonders of technology, it came together wonderfully. On a more sober note, this musical presentation also offers us the chance to celebrate the incredible talent of Michael Burgess, who died of cancer last September.
Bill Quinn is a member of the Winnipeg a capella quartet The SnowTones.
For more information and tour dates for Molly Johnson, Connie Kaldor, or Cindy Church, you can visit their websites.
David W. Thompson wrote the theme music for Peter Gzowski's tenure as host of CBC Radio's Morningside.
Michael Burgess is best known for his portrayal of Jean Valjean in the Toronto production of Les Miserables. He died on September 28, 2015.

Songs Performed on this edition of Rewind:
Michael Burgess sings Rodgers and Hammerstein's O What A Beautiful Morning from the musical Oklahoma!
Connie Kaldor sings George and Ira Gershwin's They Can't Take That Away From Me from the film Shall We Dance.
The ensemble sings the song Happy Talk from Rogers and Hammerstein's musical South Pacific.
Molly Johnson sings Summertime from George and Ira Gershwin's musical Porgy and Bess.
The ensemble sings Get Me To The Church On Time from Lerner and Loewe's My Fair Lady.
Bill Quinn sings Some Enchanted Evening from South Pacific.
Cindy Church sings Edelweiss from Rodgers and Hammerstein's The Sound of Music.
The ensemble sings Sunset from Fiddler On The Roof.
The show ends with Cabaret from the musical of the same name, performed by Louis Armstrong.