The stigma of the stoner parent

'Elephant in the Room' is a recurring segment where co-hosts Martine and Isabelle take on topics some people may be thinking about but not talking about.
No one bats an eyelash when mom and dad enjoy a drink or two after the kids are in bed or post #wineoclock pictures on social media.
But what about parents who like get a little high? Is it just as normal?
In this week's "Elephant in the Room," Martine and Isabelle speak to two parents who say it is.
Matt Sadowski is a Toronto father of two who occasionally eats edibles when the kids are in bed.
"I don't really enjoy drinking," Sadowski, who has a medical marijuana card, said.
Kathryn VanEaton runs The Stoner Mom blog, in which she describes herself as "the boo-boo kissing, classroom-volunteering, perma-stoned, supermom standing next to you at school pickup."
VanEaton is mom to two children and two step-children and lives in Denver, Colo., where cannabis has been legal since 2014.
Sadowski and VanEaton speak to Martine and Isabelle about the mental health reasons why they consume cannabis, the surprising ways in which it affects their parenting, and why getting high after a long day is no different than cracking open a beer.
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