Episode nine: What we know

There are many benefits to airing a cold-case investigation podcast in near real time.
There's a certain amount of mystery and excitement in not knowing what might come next.
And listener suggestions and tips can be incorporated into the process.
But there's a downside too.
If the investigation hits a snag, if it is at all delayed, then the show is delayed as well.
And that's exactly what happened to us at SKS this spring.
Eastern Ontario saw freezing temperatures and snow throughout most of March and early April.
Holmes Lake, where Adrien McNaughton was last seen in 1972, remained stubbornly frozen.
Back in December, four separate cadaver dogs seemed to suggest they were detecting the scent of human remains coming from the lake.
We'd like to conduct a full dive search of the lake, but first we need to wait for it to thaw.
In the meantime, listen to this week's recap episode to remind yourself of the voices we've heard and the new leads we've uncovered so far.
Thank you for your patience and understanding. You won't have to wait much longer. Spring is finally here.

Someone Knows Something is an episodic series, best listened to in order. Click here to catch up on any episodes that you may have missed.