Episode 11: Blackmail

During the course of this season's investigation, allegations have emerged of jealousy and violence between Michael Lavoie and Sheryl Sheppard.
Now, a few sources say blackmail may have played a role in keeping the couple together... or exacerbating problems in their relationship.

Sheryl was very close to her aunt Margaret Gionet, who is Odette's sister-in-law, and confided in her often.
For the first time, Margaret reveals some of Sheryl's secrets, including that she feared for her life.
And Sheryl may have taken left behind a secret message in case anything should happen to her.

Grace Russo, a longtime friend and former roommate, also remembers Sheryl being concerned for her own safety.
Grace speaks about an experience she had with Sheryl that led her to that conclusion.
She also relates stories about an arrest she and Sheryl went through together, as well as a violent incident she recalls witnessing that involved Michael Lavoie.

David attempts to speak with Brian Sweeney, Sheryl's ex-husband, whose name continues to come up during interviews.
Brian might have information that could help further the investigation, so it's important we hear from him.
There are still many things that need clearing up, including something that George Lyon — a former neighbour of Brian's — says he saw on January 1, 1998.