Who's who in the Dee & Moore case
Family & Friends
19-year-old Alcorn College student from Meadville, Mississippi who was beaten and brutally murdered by White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan members
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19-year-old worker at the Haltom Lumber Company in Roxie, Mississippi who was beaten and brutally murdered by White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan members
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Retired Vietnam veteran and army E-9 command sergeant-major born on the fourth of July; older brother of Charles Eddie Moore on a quest to seek justice
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Thomas and Charles Moore's mother; passed away in Spring 1977
One of Henry Dee's sisters
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Henry Dee's mother; has been living in a psychiatric institution since 1942

A cousin of the Moore brothers; reveals that contrary to media reports, James Ford Seale is still alive and the community at large knows it
Friend of both Dee and the Moore brothers
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Klansman who was one of the two original suspects arrested for the murder of Dee and Moore in November 1964
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Klansman who was one of the two original suspects arrested for the murder of Dee and Moore in 1964
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Klansman and father of James Seale; Exalted Cyclops (senior leader) of the Bunkley Klavern of the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan; took part in the abduction that led to the murder of Dee and Moore

Klansman and older brother of James, son of Clyde Seale; took part in the murder of Dee and Moore

Klansman who took part in the abduction that led to the murder of Dee and Moore

Klansman who took part in the abduction that led to the murder of Dee and Moore; was like a father to Charles Marcus Edwards

Klansman who helped transport Dee and Moore's bodies in the trunk of his car to be driven to his family-owned Parker's Landing in Louisiana where they were dropped in the Mississippi River alive
High-ranking Klansman who acted as a spokesperson for the Klan and was head of the Klan Bureau of Investigation for the White Knights
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Klansman who was allegedly present during Ernest Parker's confession to chaining Moore to the engine block and dumping him into the river
Law Enforcement

6th Circuit Court District Attorney in Mississippi

Former United States Attorney for the Southern District of Mississippi; predecessor of Dunn Lampton who decided he couldn't move forward with the Dee and Moore case
Former United States Attorney for the Southern District of Mississippi
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Attorney from the U.S. Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division; helped prosecute the case against James Ford Seale

FBI agent who was present at the time of Seale's arrest on November 6, 1964

Former lead investigator for the Mississippi Highway Saftey Patrol who arrested Charles Edwards in 1964

Reporter who covered the Mississippi Burning murders in the 1960s; later took over as editor and publisher of The Neshoba Democrat, and began to question in editorials why justice had never been done

Reporter for the Clarion-Ledger newspaper based in Jackson, Mississippi

Owner and editor of the Franklin Advocate, the local newspaper of record in Franklin County

Meadville resident; Franklin County chancery clerk in the 1960s