A trip down memory lane: Spark Episode 1
Chickens, the gig economy, and DVD remotes! That first episode had it all.

To mark the 300th episode of Spark, Nora Young and Dan Misener travel back in time to September 2007 to revisit stories from the very first episode of Spark.
Unfortunately, that first episode was removed from the CBC's website long ago. But the Internet Archive has a cached version of the original show notes, and we've re-uploaded a low-bitrate MP3 version of the podcast to SoundCloud:
On that first episode:
- Donna Bell from Ryerson University's Academic Integrity office on the ways students use technology to cheat
- Ana Serrano explains Late Fragment, a Canadian interactive film showing at the Toronto International Film Festival
- Thomas Kriese talks about Omlet, an urban chicken habitat
We check in with Ana and Thomas to find out what's happened since 2007, and how technology continues to change the world of interactive filmmaking and sustainability.