Fighting patent trolls with stuff and nonsense

Sometimes we find innovation in the strangest places. Like in patent data. Yes, patents. A far more intriguing world than you may have imagined, where the egregious actions of patent trolls are the cause of upheaval.
To save the day –with algorithmically generated nonsense!— there's Alexander Reben.

And that got Alex thinking about a different kind of art— prior art. In the U.S., if someone tries to patent an already published idea, the Patent Office won't give them a patent. And that means that prior art can be a useful concept in trying to stop patent trolls.
But under the current system finding that prior art and proving that an idea is prior art can be tricky. So Alexander got an idea. What if he could algorithmically create and publicly publish all possible new prior art? His new project is called...All Prior Art.