Your new life coach is an algorithm

This segment first aired in May or 2016.
When it comes to solving your problems where do you turn? Do you look to your Mom? A best friend? Your trusty dog?
Did someone say algorithms?
Well you might already be turning to algorithms more often than you think, according Brian Christian and Tom Griffiths.
They're the authors of the book Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions. It's all about how some of our everyday human problems can be untangled through algorithms.
Brian and Tom say algorithms can help us do everything from organizing the papers on our desk to finding a romantic partner.

We have a few copies of the book to give away. Leave a comment below telling us:
When it comes to making decisions in your own life, are you more analytical or a go-with-your-gut type?
Contest closes Thursday May 12, 2016 at 5:00pm Eastern. CBC contest rules apply.