Resumé? That's so 2016. Millennials are using "video selfies" to land jobs

How many selfies have you scrolled through on your social media feeds today?
They're everywhere you look - on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Selfies can be a tool for positive self-representation, a way to capture a moment, and sometimes also a shortcut to a quick ego boost after a flurry of 'likes'. And while self-portraiture has been around for hundreds of years - millennials' use of the selfie has been criticized for being indulgent and narcissistic.
But what if pointing your smartphone camera towards you could help you land your next job?

So he made using smartphones a requirement for one of his class assignments. He asked his students to make "bio videos": documentary-style "selfies" to chronicle who they are, the lives they've led so far, and introduce themselves to the world… and maybe their future employers.
We asked Corey to reflect on what he learned about his students - and himself - through the bio-video-making process.