What you told us about Google for Education

Last week on Spark, we dedicated the whole show to the topic of Google for Education. Google for Education (also known as G Suite for Education for Google Apps For Education - GAFE) is essentially a version of their G Suite tools redesigned to be used in classrooms by teachers and students.
During our reporting on this story, we heard from a lot of you about your experiences with Google for Education, and your opinions on its place in Canadian schools.
We don't want that to stop.
This is something we certainly want to keep looking into, so if you have anything to say about Google for Education, or any of the other tools used in classrooms, like Microsoft Office 365, or Apple products, we want to hear from you!
You can reach us through by email at spark@cbc.ca, leave us a comment on this page, send us a message on Facebook or Twitter (@sparkcbc). You can even reach us securely through the encrypted email service ProtonMail. Our address there is sparkcbc@protonmail.com.