Bee Nation upends stereotypes about life on First Nations reserves

Sometimes it seems we are living in an age when no one much cares about spelling. So it is heartening to be reminded that the spelling bee is very much alive and well in schools across the country.
However, until recently, one group of students has never taken part: those who live on reserves. That has changed.
Last year, the first-ever First Nations Provincial Spelling Bee took place in Saskatchewan. It was the first—and so far the only—province to offer top-scoring students from reserves a chance to compete in Toronto, at the national championships of the Spelling Bee of Canada.
Lana Šlezić and her film crew followed several First Nations students as they practiced, agonized and took to the stage. Her film is called Bee Nation and it was the opening feature for Canada's annual documentary film festival, HotDocs.

Michael spoke to Lana Šlezić, along with William Kaysaywaysemat III and his father William II.