Boaty McBoatface; Vancouver's China Syndrome; "Yes, It's a Thing!"; Two Waynes and a Shuster

Why England's new $300-million polar research vessel SHOULD be called "Boaty McBoatface"- Michael's essay:
An Internet contest designed to come up with a sober, serious, even inspirational, name for a new Arctic research vessel yielded "Boaty McBoatface." Rather than celebrating the public's enthusiastic participation, the scientific establishment reacted with horror - and a veto.
"Race and Real Estate: Vancouver's China Syndrome" - a Karin Wells documentary: Karin reports from Vancouver, where the most - and the wealthiest - Chinese immigrant investors have settled. The new Chinese are being blamed for pushing Vancouver real estate prices so high that nurses, teachers, even a few lawyers and doctors, are leaving town. Others are saying, these are the chickens of globalisation coming home to roost.
"Yes, It's a Thing!" - The Doorway Effect: Have you ever headed upstairs, walked through the door of your bedroom, and then asked yourself, "Why did I come in here?" You may feel reassured to learn that yes, the so-called "doorway effect", is indeed "a thing." The first guest in our new mini-series is Tom Stafford, who lectures in psychology and cognitive science at the University of Sheffield.
Two Waynes and a Shuster: Their humour was corny and slapstick. They sang songs, dressed up - even parodied Shakespeare. The most powerful star-maker of the era, Ed Sullivan, loved them, and booked them 67 times, more than any other act. Wayne and Shuster were Canada's first TV megastars. Sons Brian and Michael Wayne, and daughter Rosie Shuster pay tribute to their famous fathers.