Kung on suicide; Hinterland Who's Who; A Place for Konnisola; Math is beautiful; Inside Israel's army
This week on the Sunday Edition for October 20, 2013:...

This week on the Sunday Edition for October 20, 2013:
- Michael's Essay: U.S. Gun Culture after Sandy Hook
As the anniversary of the school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, approaches, a coalition of gun-lovers is preparing to mark it with a so-called Guns Save Lives campaign. (00:00:25)
- Hans Küng
The Catholic Church's best-known rebel theologian is now 85, and suffers from Parkinson's disease. He tells Michael that he is considering a final act of dissent -- assisted suicide. (00:04:28)
- Your mail about concert etiquette (00:09:14)
- Happy Birthday, Hinterland Who's Who
Fifty years ago, a new who's-who was established, profiling some of Canada's biggest movers and shakers. Also scratchers, scavengers and burrowers. (00:32:50)
- Documentary: A Place for Konnisola.
The inspiring story of a pediatrician, a lawyer, a friend, a sister, a mother and most of all a remarkable Toronto nurse who came together to give an orphan refugee girl a home. (00:41:07)
- Math is beautiful
John Mighton says that just as an artist can appreciate visual beauty, a mathematician can appreciate invisible beauty ... the laws and theories that govern the universe. Learn more here: www.jumpmath.org (01:08:58)
- Inside Israel's Army
Dana Golan, a veteran of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), recounts why she and many other former soldiers, feel betrayed by the harsh orders they were forced to carry out against the Palestinians. (01:31:39)
- Jonathan Lethem
The American author's best-selling new novel, Dissident Gardens, tracks the lives of three generations of American leftists. (01:57:45)
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