May 28, 2017: The Sunday Edition with Michael Enright
The parents of the Manchester children are united in grief with Muslim parents across the world - Michael's essay: Terrorists are no longer killing just adults. Here's an excerpt: "Now, the children are "soft targets". I can't think of a more accurate or appropriate term." Why our fears of terrorism are both exaggerated and irrational: A majority of Americans say terrorism is the most important issue facing their country, and that they fear someone in their family will become a victim of terrorism. Yet gun violence kills about a thousand times more people per year in the U.S. than terrorists do. Jessica Stern is a research professor at the Pardee School of Global Studies in Boston, and coauthor of ISIS: The State of Terror. She says we respond to blanket media coverage which amplifies the threat, and to the psychology of what she calls "spiritual dread." The Conservative Party of Canada has a new leader and a new political path: On Saturday, Saskatchewan MP Andrew Scheer took the top job. Michael Enright talks to journalist John Ibbitson about how he did it, and what to expect as he takes the helm of the party. The extraordinary graduation of Rumana Monzur: Six years ago, Rumana Monzur was a student at UBC, when she went home to Bangladesh to visit her family. Her husband attacked her, bit off half her nose and gouged out her eyes. This week, Ms. Monzur, now blind, graduated from UBC's school of law. We re-broadcast Karin Wells's 2013 documentary about Ms. Monzur's brave journey. It's called "A Thousand Eyes." Why Canada needs a new National Housing Policy -- now! This country is in the midst of a housing crisis. Young people can't afford to buy a home, people in social housing are being evicted due to massive repair backlogs, and a growing forest of condo towers in our big cities excludes families and children. David Hulchanski, one of this country's most respected housing experts, looks back at the history of housing policy in this country, and what that history can teach us about the need for government intervention in housing. Learning from a beloved friend how to die with grace: In the school of life, death is a demanding teacher. And all of us - one way or another - end up in the class. Before we get there, the experience of others can be enormously instructive, even inspiring. Phyllis Jardine's essay is called, "Afterword." Music this week by: The folk group Sagapool, the Brian Browne Trio, Sir Edward Elgar, the boys' choir of New College, Oxford, Thomas "Fats" Waller, Anita O'Day, W.A. Mozart, Mario Bernardi and the CBC Vancouver Orchestra, the Montreal Guitar Trio, and Anne Murray.

Why we fear terrorism; Rumana's graduation; New Conservative leader; Canada's housing crisis; A lesson in dying