Men will be boys; The refugee problem; Christiana Pflug; VE Day

The Sunday Edition, May 3, 2015 with host Michael Enright.
Men will be boys - Michael's essay: Here's an excerpt: "High school for most of us was a time of trial and turmoil. It was a time of great pain. Puberty attacked, hormones exploded, we fought to discover the world and define for ourselves our place in it. It was also a time when anything was possible, or so we thought. Those years stamped us forever. And some of us never outgrew them."
The global refugee problem: The scope is staggering. There are more than 50 million refugees and internally displaced people in the world. And it seems we have no idea what to do about it, except to say, don't expect us to take you in. Michael's guests are:
-- Dawn Chatty, Professor of Anthropology and Forced Migration and former director of the Refugee Studies Centre at the University of Oxford
-- Jennifer Hyndman, Director of the Centre for Refugee Studies at York University
-- Bob Rae, former premier of Ontario and former Liberal MP and foreign affairs critic
Listener mail - Jihadi Town: Reaction to Karin Wells's documentary.
Still, life: The Unbuttoning of Christiane Pflug - an Alisa Siegel documentary: Christiane Pflug - German immigrant to Canada - young mother - accomplished painter - committed suicide in 1972. Now, more than four decades after her death, there is a resurgence of interest in her art.
Listener mail - Dr. Jeffrey Lieberman: Reaction to Michael's conversation with the past president of the American Psychiatric Association.
The 70th anniversay of VE Day. More than a million Canadians served in the Second World War and 45,000 gave their lives. We look back at the historic day that marked a new beginning.