Will American politics survive Trump?

When Hillary Clinton made clear her intentions to run for US President, everyone knew this could be a historic election…one in which a woman could be elected to the Oval Office for the first time.
We had no idea how historic or unprecedented this election would become.
We had no idea that so many norms, conventions and codes of conduct — the very things that uphold the fairness, dignity and civility of political campaigns — would be thrown out the window.
We had no idea how much anger there was on the right — and also the left — just waiting to boil over and scald the political establishment.
The votes will be counted Tuesday night, but we still have no idea if by Wednesday morning, we'll have a clear winner, let alone an uncontested winner. And we have no idea when — or if — things will return to some kind of normal in the American polity.
Our panellists are:
Patricia Williams, professor of law at Columbia University and author of The Alchemy of Race and Rights, and Seeing a ColorBlind Future: The Paradox of Race.
David Frum, senior editor of The Atlantic Monthly magazine, and former George W. Bush speech-writer
Moustafa Bayoumi, associate professor of English at Brooklyn College, and author of How Does It Feel to Be a Problem: Being Young and Arab in America and This Muslim American Life: Dispatches from the War on Terror.
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