Nice and Turkey; Whale song; Beaver Hall, Texas campus carry; RNC promo

Paul Rogers on the attempted coup in Turkey; the attack in Nice; and the west's "war" on ISIS: When global events defy our attempts to make sense of the world, we turn to Paul Rogers. He's professor of Peace Studies at the University of Bradford, author of "A War on Terror, Afghanistan and After," "Why We're Losing the War on Terror," and "Losing Control: Global Security in the 21st Century." His newest book, published just hours before the attack in Nice, is called "Irregular War: ISIS and the New Threats from the Margins."
Singing with a whale: Canadian musician Emily Rockarts was inspired to write and record a new song, after hearing a documentary on The Sunday Edition, about a breath-taking encounter with a humpback whale. We'll hear Jenny Kingsley's "The Whale's Choice", then Emily's creation: "Whale Song."
The Beaver Hall Group - an Alisa Siegel documentary: It took ten years of persuading, digging, searching and begging. But finally, the Beaver Hall Group is getting its due. Explosions of colour, astonishing portraits and a modernist take on the 1920's, set this group of artists on a dramatically different course from the Group of Seven. Not only that, half of them were women. After showings in Montreal and Hamilton, the exhibition is now on display in Windsor, and will soon be on its way to Calgary. Alisa's documentary is called, "Who Gets To Be Remembered".
New concealed carry gun law terrifies faculty at University of Texas: A law set to take effect on August 1, 2016, will allow students and faculty to carry concealed guns to class. Professors are being advised to change their courses, to avoid overly-emotional or controversial topics that might lead to violence. Guest-host Laura Lynch talks to PhD candidate Simone Gubler, who teaches philosophy at the University of Texas at Austin.
The Trump show is coming to town: Michael Enright looks ahead to the Republican National Convention, which will roll out in Cleveland from July 18 - 31. 50,000 people will descend on the "mistake by the lake" for four days of political spectacle. The convention promises to be as volatile and unprecedented as the campaign which has produced Donald Trump, the unlikeliest nominee in the party's -- and the country's -- history.
Music this week by: Erik Satie, Emily Rockarts, the Creaking Tree String Quartet, violinist Mayuko Kamio, and W.A. Mozart.